Disruption is, well, disruptive. It leaves in its wake complicating debris that trend towards more disorder. Consider that disruption’s synonyms include breakdown, collapse, disarrangement, disturbance, havoc, upset,… Is this what we actually want or need? Healthcare doesn’t shatter and reanimate, it evolves. Over 200 years ago, for example, the invention of the stethoscope ushered in a series of generational discoveries that transformed public health, general health, and overall life expectancy through the enhancement of insight into pathophysiology underlying human symptoms. The new technology was groundbreaking, but the transformation happened over time and with continuous building upon prior advances. This evolutionary system works remarkably well. To disrupt it, to disarrange it, does not make sense.

HEAL Security is a cognitive cybersecurity intelligence platform custom-designed for the healthcare sector.


Charles Aunger


Founded 2021


HOPPR is transforming healthcare diagnostics with AI-driven medical imaging technology.


Khan M. Siddiqui, MD
Oliver Chen, MD
Robert Bakos
Gerry Stegmaier


Founded 2018

Powering insights

Case Study: Health2047’s Model in Action

Podcast: So You Want to Transform Healthcare