Health2047's Model in Action

Health2047 finds, forms, and scales companies to harness innovation and transform healthcare at the system level, tapping into the American Medical Association’s credibility, centrality, and unparalleled ability to convene.
We foster collaboration at the intersection of healthcare and technology to ensure the successful commercialization of meaningful solutions that will bring substantive improvement to U.S. healthcare.
With the AMA’s reach, expertise, and influence—as well as industry experts on matters ranging from systems engineering and security to venture investing, behavioral economics, and public health—Health2047 is uniquely positioned to help talented entrepreneurs build prospering companies that can transform U.S. healthcare.

“Think of innovation as a new idea that’s helpful brought to market. It’s not theory. It’s something that can be applied and can change lives.”
CEO, American Medical
Association (AMA)
The Health2047 Difference:
- Unparalleled resources and access
- Operational leverage and insight
- The AMA’s convening power and insight
Founded by two physicians in 2019 and headquartered in Chicago, Zing Health is a new kind of Medicare Advantage insurance company with a distinctive focus on addressing social determinants in health for improving care in populations underserved by traditional insurance models. Its approach is based on leveraging technology for a patient-oriented delivery system consisting of primary care providers, registered nurses, social workers, behavioral health specialists, and community-based health care workers across a growing network of providers. Health2047 Managing Director Warren Templeton partnered with Zing co-founder Dr. Eric Whitaker and his team to inject design thinking into the startup’s business model and attract private equity (PE) investment post launch.
“Zing was presenting its value as a technology solution to an entrenched healthcare delivery problem,” Templeton said. “After workshopping with the team, we determined that the fundamental key to success lies in really knowing your customer. Technology is just a commodity. The challenge is that you need an operational plan that supports getting to know your customers incredibly well, with a strategic framework for go-to-market and an economic model that supports that capability from an expenditures point of view.” When a startup is missing critical functional resources, Health2047 supplies the right extension to the team, and that person fills the gap fully committed to the success of the company.
Templeton stepped in as Chief Commercial Officer for Zing Health, augmenting the team with structured project management bonafides, and supplying the refined go-to-market strategy and economic model. “We basically got the business structured for success in its initial fundraising filings,” said Health2047 Managing Director Jack Stockert. “And then we helped them achieve those filings.”
That differentiator resonated with PE investors, and Zing secured significant follow-on investment from Newlight Partners.
“Zing Health’s mission is more important than ever,” said Srdjan Vukovic, partner at Newlight. “We anticipate investing up to $150 million and we look forward to partnering with Eric and his experienced team to further the reach of Zing Health at this critical time.”
Medcurio offers a completely novel way to access and act on healthcare data that is highly secure, codeless, self-serve, and scalable—making it substantially easier for healthcare systems, technology partners, and payers to appropriately use information in real time and drastically reduce time and resources needed to implement and maintain solutions. According to Christa Bruce, MPH, Medcurio’s operations and customer success lead, access to Health2047’s adept resources changed the company’s trajectory.
“We were already incorporated, but we weren’t yet doing business and we were all still contractors. Health2047 provided a well-organized and comprehensive list of steps to quickly ramp up—about half of which we hadn’t yet done. It was very helpful to be able to see it in total and link it all together.”
Medcurio also received enormously helpful investment support from Health2047 around refining its Series A pitch deck. Medcurio needed to convey its value proposition with greater clarity; the company’s messaging suffered from an excess of background without a lucid and compelling problem statement. Health2047’s team of seasoned experts provided extensive feedback and coaching to Medcurio’s technical professionals on how to distill the Medcurio story effectively. “It is now easy for people to understand what problem we solve—even if they’re not in the business—and also see the uniqueness of our solution. And we can do it in under three minutes.” Left to their own devices, Bruce believes it would have taken the Medcurio leadership team a lot longer to convey the company’s value proposition in a compelling way. “Health2047 provided knowledge and expertise we just didn’t have in-house, and it was absolutely invaluable.”
First Mile Care is a diabetes prevention startup building an affordable, accessible, and scalable on-demand model to serve the 88 million Americans currently at risk of developing this dangerous and costly disease.
First Mile Care could have conducted its own research, vetted its own tools, recruited its own subject matter experts, and built its own network and business infrastructure from the ground up. Instead, Health2047 both assigned its own team members and brokered AMA support to help First Mile Care accelerate those efforts.
When First Mile Care needed to secure HIPAA-compliant Business Associates Agreements (BAAs) to establish legal relationships with healthcare customers, “Instead of having to work with our lawyers to create our own BAA from scratch, our Health2047 partnership let us obtain permission to use the American Medical
Association’s BAA contract template,” said First Mile Care’s Chief Operating Officer, Salvatore Boscarino. “And because I was able to assure our customers that our agreement is the AMA’s industry-standard contract template, it eliminated any need to negotiate or wrestle with terms. They immediately trusted it.” The AMA’s indisputable authority and leadership in healthcare engender credibility with partners, prospective customers, and industry leaders alike.
In one short year, AMA introductions and facilitation have been directly responsible for accelerating a host of First Mile Care business milestones, including:
- California-based regional medical association relationship (5K+ physician reach)
- Pilot program with a PE-backed network of 2.5K physicians comprising 600 providers in 200 locations
- Michigan pipeline with 4 major metropolitan health systems comprising 14K+ physicians
“The fact that we hit all of our business milestones on— and, in many cases, ahead of—schedule is the direct result of active involvement by both Health2047 and the AMA,” said First Mile Care’s CEO Karl Ronn. “As we prepare for our next funding round, having both of those organizations at our side is a distinct competitive advantage.”
“Today’s new tools replace tasks, not jobs, and it is up to us to imagine the new frontiers they can help us reach. Health2047 combines human action with powerful new technologies in businesses that open that new frontier and drive healthcare improvement at scale.”
Dr. James L. Madara
CEO, American Medical
Association (AMA)
Partnering with Health2047 supplies a unique collection of expertise and a foundational relationship with the American Medical Association that quickly clears a path to startup actualization.
Health2047’s startup support model, coupled with its ability to access American Medical Association’s vast content, regulatory, and policy expertise and broad physician network, uniquely positions the company to attract entrepreneurs-in-residence (EIRs) working on meaningful system-level solutions that can transform U.S. healthcare.